Now is the Time for Concrete Construction & Repairs

It is more important than ever to make sure all of the concrete at your home is looking and functioning its best. With the warmer weather of spring also brings increased foot traffic as people start to get out and do the things they’ve been putting off all winter. So, don’t put off concrete constructionContinue reading “Now is the Time for Concrete Construction & Repairs”

Concrete Sidewalks Frequently Call for Replacement

Concrete sidewalks and walkways at your property that fall into disrepair can be easily fixed. Chipped, sunken or uneven, these concrete sidewalks will continue to disintegrate until something is done about the issues. Wohlwend Concrete, specialists in all matters concrete, can fix your St Paul concrete sidewalks either through repair or an all-out replacement. ConcreteContinue reading “Concrete Sidewalks Frequently Call for Replacement”